How well do you know your home insurance policy and what it covers?
1. My kitchen caught on fire and set my home ablaze. Does my home insurance cover me?
Yes! A homeowners insurance policy typically covers fire damage.
2. After an earthquake, a lot of my personal items were damaged in my home and part of my garage caved in. Does my home insurance policy cover me?
Actually, no! Typically, damage caused by earthquakes and floods is not covered by a basic homeowners policy. You will need to purchase earthquake insurance or flood insurance to extend your coverage.
3. A friend was visiting my home and my dog bit them. Does my home insurance cover me?
That’s right! The majority of home insurance policies provide around $100,000 – $300,000 of liability coverage for injuries caused by a pet, and addition, provides some medical coverage for the injured party.
4. My daughter got in a fight with her friend and spread rumors about her online. The friend’s mom is filing a lawsuit against my child. Does my home insurance cover me?
Surprisingly, it does! Libel and slander are covered by homeowners liability insurance. The liability portion of your homeowners policy kicks in to help cover any costs in case a lawsuit is filed against your child.
5. My children were playing in the backyard with some of their friends and one of them got injured. Will my home insurance help cover the costs?
Yes it will! Your homeowners personal liability coverage applies if someone is injured on your property and you are to blame. Your policy can also cover medical expenses for guests injured on your property.
Have any questions about your homeowners insurance policy or coverage options? Don’t hesitate to ask us! Just give us a call today at 415-386-2283 or send us a message at!
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